Medical Technology Innovation Gadget (inTouch Diabetes Monitoring Bracelet) # 4

inTouch Diabetes Monitoring Bracelet

inTouch is non intrusive and can be worn like a bracelet. It won’t require pricking several times a day. The bracelet, which is worn all the time, makes good use of near infrared scan that will display a reading every 5 to 10 minutes. The information can be later uploaded on a computer or laptop with the help of a USB clasp to keep it stored for later analysis. It can be easily charged and will also remember previous readings, which can be compared later by the doctor.
The same USB clasp also keeps the ends of the bracelet together and makes sure it doesn’t fall off from the wrist. The need to prick a finger takes a backseat as the near infrared scanner makes good use of an optical fiber, which scans the blood stream through the skin in a non intrusive way. It easily tells the blood sugar and glucose levels, while keeping an active history of previous readings.

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